Photography Books

Photography Book Reviews

The best source for inspiration and the most enjoyable and effective way to develop ‘a good eye’ is, in my experience looking at great images. The books listed and reviewed here are full of fantastic photography.

This page is dedicated to the best photography books by the world’s best photographers.
Fine photographs to be savoured and not simply to be consumed.

Each book comes highly recommended and features inspirational images worthy of lingering over. 

Although almost everybody takes more photographs and ‘scrolls through’ more images than ever before, the vast majority of people undervalue the importance of great photography.

The book publishing industry is on its knees as sales have plummeted over recent years with few companies prepared to take the risk of publishing new photography books in printed form.
While digital media is essential for everyday practicalities, after staring at screens for much of the working day it is a pleasure to relax and immerse oneself in the visual and tactile pleasure of beautiful images printed on high-quality paper.

For those that want to improve their own photography, there is no better way to sharpen their visual instincts and stimulate creativity than to study the work of the world’s finest photographers.

Hey, are you buying that book?

Cuba by David Alan Harvey

Dream Street by W. Eugene Smith